Why has Obama authorized the military to shut its satellite feeds to scientists monitoring potentially catastrophic atmospheric impacts?
UPDATE: 6-22-09 — White House shuts down NAO spy-satellite program This means that #4 below is not the correct answer.
by jclifford: Over at Space.com, Leonard David is reporting that the Obama Administration is cutting off scientists’ access to military satellites. The satellites are said to be designed primarily to watch for evidence of nuclear tests. They had also been used by scientists who were studying the impact of meteorites in the Earth’s atmosphere. The military had provided the scientists with data from the satellites, which the scientists had then used to understand what kind of objects from space are striking the Earth...
A scientist involved in the research calls the Obama Administration’s decision “baffling”. Let’s think through the baffle. Four possibilities I can think of:
1. There is something about nuclear weapons tests that the government doesn’t want scientists to find out about.
2. There is something hitting the Earth’s atmosphere from outer space, and the government doesn’t want scientists to find out about that.
3. There’s something else visible to the satellites that the government doesn’t want scientists to find out about.
4. The satellites are being retrained to a new mission, to watch something in a way that makes them useless for asteroid impact research. This is a particularly interesting possibility, given the way that Janet Napolitano at the Department of Homeland Security has resisted efforts by Congress to exercise oversight on the National Applications Office, a division of the Dept. of Homeland Security:
From Wikipedia: The NAO provides local, state, and federal officials with extensive access to military spy-satellite imagery. The spy surveillance satellites are considered by military experts to be far more powerful than those currently available to civilian officials. For example, they can take color photos, see through cloud cover and forest canopies, and use different parts of the light spectrum to locate traces left by chemical weapons... Some in Congress want to shut down the agency because of concerns that the satellites could be used to create a “Big Brother” in the sky directed willy-nilly at anyone’s house, place of worship or school.
Government agencies tasked with intelligence and surveillance are proliferating faster than rabbits Down Under. In addition to the CIA, NSA, DIA, NRO, FBI and all the Pentagon branch agencies, I've come across the NGA (National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency), NIMA (National Imagery and Mapping Agency), NIC (National Intelligence Council), NCTC (National Counterterrorism Center) and Homeland Security's OIA (Office of Intelligence and Analysis). Feel safer now from those hordes of terrorists targeting your local Starbucks?
Another possibility for #2 above; the rumored approach of Nemesis, Niburu, Planet X, or Wormwood, take your pick— a brown-dwarf companion to our Sun (astronomers have discovered that most stars are binary systems) that supposedly enters our solar system on a long elliptical orbit after a cycle of 3600, or millions of years, depending on your source. The gravitational energy of this monster causes many disturbances: heating up the Sun and solar system (now happening), catalyzing volcanism, disrupting the Oort cloud, and bombarding the inner planets with a barrage of asteroids—perhaps responsible for the periodic mass extinctions on Earth. According to a recent statistical study of a comprehensive fossil database by Berkeley physicists, mass extinctions to a greater or lesser degree have occurred regularly every 62 million years.
Though largely speculative, the existence of Nemesis has been postulated by astronomers from unexplained perturbations in the outer planets not accounted for by lowly, downgraded Pluto. In 1983, NASA's newly launched IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) telescope detected just such a body. The Washington Post reported that year: "A heavenly body as large as Uranus and part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation of Orion by an orbiting telescope." According to many believers in a Mayan-prophesied 2012 apocalypse, NASA and other government agencies, domestic and foreign, have conspired to cover up the alarming truth, and all the "debunking" of Nemesis is merely disinformation to keep us in the dark...until the real murk descends and we're all trundling on Cormac McCarthy's The Road. On the other hand: has there ever been a generation in human history not harboring some apprehension of imminent apocalypse?
Two further related cases of the military trumping civilian science and technology:
Air Force axes giant solar reflector/tower plant in Nevada
In 2007, a Los Angeles firm called SolarReserve proposed the construction of a $700 million solar thermal power plant, covering two square miles near the Nellis Air Force base in Nevada, and capable of generating 100 megawatts of energy The plant's mirror-heated tower would have created molten-salt, essentially a form of battery enabling the steam turbines to generate power for 50,000 homes around the clock.

After negotiating with the AF for 18 months, and offering to move the plant 25 miles further away as suggested by the boys in blue, SolarReserve finds its plans stymied by AF lobbying of Congress and the BLM, which owns the land in question. Col. Howard D. Belote, installation commander at Nellis, said "Unfortunately for them and us, there's stuff on the Nevada testing range we don't tell anyone about."
Nellis AFB, of course, is home to the infamous Area 51. What exactly would be jeopardized by SolarReserve's lone tower standing below a 2,000-foot-tall mountain separating it from the base? A new book by physicist Paul LaViolette claims to reveal all:
Secrets of Anti-gravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs and Classified Aerospace Technology
I heard the author on the Coast-to-Coast radio show last night, and he was very convincing, speaking knowledgeably about the history of these developments, particularly Townsend Brown's overt and successful experiments, which are recounted in an older book on the subject that I've read: Man-Made UFOs: 1944-1994. It's astounding how open this research was, publicized in numerous newspapers and aviation journals, at the height of nationwide UFO sightings in the '50s, until a virtual blackout descended in 1959—interestingly, the same year that Eisenhower delivered his "military-industrial complex" speech.
From Coast-to-Coast: "We're sort of being held in a 'technology cage,' on purpose, for fear of change," LaViolette said about what he believes to be a decades-long clandestine development of anti-gravity technology by the United States.
"A lot of this work has been going on since the end of WWII, if not before," LaViolette said about the quest to break the bonds of gravity. He detailed some of the early experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown, who both used electricity to affect gravity. LaViolette noted that, in the mid-1950's, numerous aviation companies were not only attempting to develop anti-gravity technology but were quite open and enthusiastic about it—until 1959. "Suddenly it was like a blackout in the media," he observed. This sudden silence, LaViolette surmised, was at the behest of the US government.
One might think that this technology was a failure, but the thousands, or by now millions, of UFO reports by credible witnesses (police, commercial pilots, scientists and politicians) indicate some kind of unconventional aircraft have been hovering and zipping around in our skies for several decades. The whole "Aliens are among us!" meme may be disinformation designed to discredit these unavoidable observations.
There is a common thread here, tying the research of Tesla, Brown, Searl, Wilhelm Reich and a few other energy researchers — their labs destroyed and their research quarantined, after they discerned a recondite energy field, or ether, or zero-point vacuum that could revolutionize the way we live on this planet. Why has it been suppressed? Is it too dangerous to disseminate on this Planet of the Apes?—or too threatening to powerful interests vested in routines of dominance and exploitation? Whatever the case, the accelerating crises on Planet Earth may ineluctably flush these discoveries out into the open eventually, perhaps sparking a penultimate quantum leap in the evolution of human civilization.
Standing squarely against such a liberation may be a strange, perverted cult in the higher echelons of our military, revealed by the former wife of a Marine colonel, Kay Griggs:
"They took with them the most perverted aspects of Nazi Germany and brought them over to the United States... They get rid of the good guys. The Marine Corps are the assassins for the Mob. The military is run by the Mob. The military IS the Mob... He told me what they did. They nurture--they cultivate--the sons of prominent families. They're called "rising stars." They rope them in. Then they "turn" them."
— Kay Griggs
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