Thursday, March 20, 2008

Imperial Bankruptcy

The illegal Iraq war that began 5 years ago might continue for up to 100 more, according to John McCain, confirming his professed weakness in economics. At the current $12 billion per month rate, it’s doubtful that even the Federal Reserve can print money fast enough to keep up with the dollar’s vanishing act.

American casualties so far include: 4000 dead soldiers. Several thousand severely wounded. American prestige and influence abroad. The 4th Amendment to the Constitution, and the venerable system of checks and balances laid out in that document. A decimated volunteer Army. And what once was the world’s most productive economy. And what exactly have Americans received for all this sacrifice? Cheap oil? The only winners in this fraudulent “War on Terror” are the Daddy Warbucks contractors and oil pirates fattening like ticks on a sick hog. And the wingnut Zionists who had a large role in luring us into another Middle East occupation — the #1 cause of terrorism. Has it occurred to them that a broke America jeopardizes Israeli security?

Eisenhower warned us against the insidious predations of this complex. Surely he spins in his grave as the U.S. now borrows and spends as much as the rest of the world combined for “defense,” while our industrial infrastructure has deteriorated or been exported to China in the ultimate triumph of voodoo economics: Uncle Sam in hock up to his ears to the world’s most powerful Communist nation. And the ultimate historical irony: we are bankrupting ourselves exactly like the Soviet Union by overinvesting in non-productive weapon systems and maintaining 800 bases in 130 foreign countries. We’re still “defending” Japan, Korea and Germany while their economies boom and their citizens enjoy universal health care.

As the Chinese and Saudi credit cards have maxed out along with our national debt and plummeting currency, it is inevitable that the never-ending “War on Terror” will require taxes and the draft to be raised. But those who continue to support this ruinous insanity shouldn’t wait for government mandates: our troops don’t need more yellow ribbons – after three or four extended rotations, with 145 vet suicides, they need relief. Volunteer boots on the ground. For those too old to serve, we could offer WWII-style war bonds. Then all the neofascist chickenhawks and their goosestepping followers can finally put their own flesh or money where their lip service is —or just shut up.

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